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World's First 3d Heart

World's First 3d heart: A Real 3D Heart Which Was Maked By Israel Which is made by Real Human Cells And Tissues.

Now a times Science and Technology develops day by day. Science makes new inventions like Artificial heart, Artificial legs and Robotic Arms, Robotic Knees. 

It's a today update news that Israel makes a 3d heart model which have chambers, ventricles, and aries like real human heart. This 3d heart was makes by real tissues and cells of a human.

But now this 3d heart has enough cell and tissues. In simple that this 3d heart is not capable of pumping the blood. Israel takes more effective steps to make this heart like a real heart.

If this Invention gets successful this was the great victory of Science and Technology. Because we know human cannot live without heart. So this Invention gives them a chance to make alive. Because of these inventions we think how the Science develops and thinks about the future inventions.
