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Huawei launches it's world's most powerful AI processor Ascend 910 , what is mindspore

We all know about Huawei whatever if we talk their smartphones,  chipsets and smartphones designs huawei done such a great job in the field of tech. So in 2018 at huawei connect 2018 they reveal their new AI processor which is named as Ascend 910. Huawei said that it was the world most powerful AI computing processor.

What is ascend 910

Ascend 910 and how its performed

Ascend 910 is the AI computing processor which is manufactured by Huawei. It was the worlds most powerful processor. In 2018 huawei sets a goal which is to launch a powerful low power consumed AI processor so in 2019 Huawei achieved their goal. 

During the testing session of Huawei ascend 910 this processor delivers at least 256 teraflops at floating point calculation and 512 teraflops at integer calculation. This processor consumed the maximum power of 310w which  is lower then according to its planned specs (350w). The rotating chairman of huawei (Eric Xu) said that it was the worlds most powerful AI processor without any doubt. 

What is huawei mind spore

Huawei also launched its mindspore which is an all scenario AI computing framework. In 2018 huawei announced their three development goals:

1. Easy development 
2. Efficient execution 
3. Adoptable to all scenario

Huawei Ascend 910

So this AI framework takes a stand on the three goals decided by huawei. This is the key component in the mind spore framework. This framework is help to ensure the user privacy and the model information that has been already processed. This framework cannot process data by itself so private data can be protected in cross scenario environment. It helps the developer to develop AI application with ease and train their models more quickly. 

During the testing session Ascend 910 and mind spore AI framework that thing becomes clear that this can raise the efficiency of developer upto 50%. Accoridng to the Eric Xu this framework can be open sourced at the first quarter of 2020.

So here is all about huawei ascend 910 and mindspore AI framework. If you have any suggestion leave comments below and dont forget to follow us for latest tech updates. 

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