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Block chain: how it's worked and structured

What is block chain?

So block chain is a financial structure which  represents the financial ledger or a record of transaction. It is digitally signed go check that the authenticity that there is no temper on it.

The digital ledger is distributed between the deployment or infrastructure they have all copies which is distributed by the ledger among them.

How it worked?

When a new transaction or an edited transaction come into the block chain then the majority of the nodes with the block chain implementation execute the algorithms then evaluate them and Check the  history of the individual that  it is proposed. If the majority of the nodes favoured the individual than the sign is valid and the new block of transaction is added into the chain. If the majority of the nodes did not favoured then the block did accepted by node and not added to the chain.

   How the block chain structured?

Block chain can be structured that it works in a no. of ways that use different machnisms to achieve the consensus of transaction. The largest example of this is Bitcoin. and many small actors which did not get much fame or the organisation's has been permissioned that who participate in the transaction.


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