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Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality knows as the future of science and technology. It's a device which manipulate the artificial scene like real.

Virtual Reality is a computer generated environment which looks like real. VR System includes transmission of vibration and other sensations which is controlled by the controller.

Structure: It's structure like glasses. It's outer part is made by the poly carbon. And it's inside there is a two VR lenses which helps to design the Virtual Real Scene.

  • Types Of Virtual Realties:
1. Augmented Reality( AR): 
AR) is a type of virtual reality technology that blends what the user sees in their real surroundings with digital content generated by computer software. The additional software-generated images with the virtual scene typically enhance how the real surroundings look in some way. AR systems layer virtual information over a camera live feed into a headset or smartglasses or through a mobile device giving the user the ability to view three-dimensional images.

2. Mixed Reality(MR): (MR) is the merging of the real world and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.


This is generally known as View Master. It was introduced in 1939 in Europe. This Device made for to multiply the artifial elements.

This giant device is know as Sensorama. It generally introduced in 1960. This Device gives the theatre experience. This Device is designed to dubbed the prototype of vision. This generally consist of four factors ( Sight , Sound , Smell and touch). It gives user a third dimension image.

The VR generally proved to the industries like (Medical , Flight simulation , Defence and Auto mobile industries). This Device is made by David EM at NASA. He becomes first artist which makes a device which navigate the Virtual words.

This suit is named as VPL a full body suit with sensors for measuring the movement of arms , legs and trunk. This generally made In 1989. This Device highlighted in a a a showroom in Tokyo.

I hope you understand about Virtual Reality and it's history.
