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What is fibre optic cable??

Fibre optic cable? 

Now a times internet is our basic  need without internet there is no work is possible so every time we think that how it's worked and how we use them. So in this article I tell you that how this works. Internet is worked with fibre optic cables these cables were setup under the seas. So if we talking about high speed internet so these cables are capable for this work.

How it's worked?

These cables were setup in sea's all over the world. There are three tiers.

  • Tier1 : This tier setup the wires under the sea 
  • Tier2 : under this tier companies like airtel , Vodafone etc. These companies buy these wires from tier one. 
•   Tier3 : it works same as tier two it buys these wires from tier 2.

It's transmits the data at very high speed. It's a transmitter on its ends which transmits the data in the form of light pulse. To receive the light pulse there binary translator which translate these pulses into binary and this was understand by computer. To generate light pulse led( light emitting deode) is used.

Components of fibre optic cable.

  • Core( inner area): It's the area transmits the light pulse more and more cores transmits more light pulse. It is generally made by glass.
  • Cladding(mid area): This part helps to produce less no. Of refractive Index so that the light waves easily pass from the fibre.
  • Coating(outer part): It's a plastic part which is used to protect the cable under the sea. It was made a thick plastic  layer. 

Generally the fibre optic cable divides in two main categories: 

  • Single mode: This cable is generally  used to carry one signal at a time it is used for long distances project. To carry more data singlemode cable uses wave division multiplexing(wbm) technique.
  • Multimode: Under this category cable is designed to carry more than two signals. It is made for short distances project. The cores of multimode cables is smaller then single mode cables.
