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UltraFast Motion Planning Chip

Ultrafast Motion Chip: To Make the Autonomous Cars more safer Realtime Robotics makes an Ultrafast Motion Planning Chip.

Autonomous vehicles

Ultrafast Motion Planning Chip

A research project of "Duke University" take place for a speedup motion planning for a tabletop robot arm which shows that the robot arm relied on a custom processors to do in milliseconds. They form a company named "Realtime Robotics" which is made to focus on Autonomous vehicles.

To make autonomous vehicles more safer they work on a "ultrafast motion palnning chip" which makes the vehicle to take decision more faster. Because in the autonomous vehicles the vehicle take decision slower than human like when we have to push handbrake quickly we push them but in robotics machine they analyse the environment first then it takes a decision. So to make this process more faster Realtime Robotics works on the chip to make them more faster. 

Autonomous vehicles

How these chips working

These chips are different in every vehicle but the working speed is same it depends on the quality of motion chips. It working as like a mobile processor for example a mobile processors used to refreshes the background processes and it refreshes the apps 100 times every second. So the motion chips is similar working like this it analyse the static obstacles( building, roads) and non deterministic obstacles( moving cars, bicycles). after analyse the whole data then the car takes a motion. The process will happen in a sequence. Here is the working sequence of ultrafast motion planning chip:

1. The first step is to perception data from camera, lidar, radar and the other sensors which identifies the static obstacles and non deterministic obstacles. This process happens to take the vehicle on the given location.

2. The second step is to take a educative guess that the other vehicle were moving or not then the system makes its decision and uses it to model a nondeterministic obstacle as a static obstacle.

Realtime Robotics Hardware

3. The third step is to take a motion in this step the realtime robotics hardware included. To find the path this hardware parallelism which makes the motion chip extremely faster it delivers a plan less then a millisecond.

4. The fourth step is similar as third step but the difference is that in this step the whole data created by the motion chip refreshes and generates another guess to identify that the vehicle takes a motion or not. It refreshes repeatedly  the third and fourth step upto 10 to 100 times for choosing a safer motion plan.

5. The final step is to execute the whole motion plan in this step the recent steps refreshes again and  the vehicle choose the motion plan and takes a motion. 

But it was the not the whole working process of ultrafast motion planning chip it was basic steps. After these steps when vehicle takes a motion the vehicle choose right speed to move. And these processes were happen very fast and realtime robotics hardware make these process more faster so that machine takes decision more fast as like human. We hope so that in future these cars become safer to drive. Because safety is the first priority.

I hope you understand about "the ultrafast motion planning chip" if you have any  question or suggestion leave comment below and stay tune with us for latest tech updates. 

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