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Pubg mobile season 8 | what's new in season update

Today I am going to be talk about our most favourite mobile game which is named as pubg mobile. So we know that the season 7 has going to be finished and we all are waiting for new season. So without wasting more time let's get started.

New season 8 logo

Season 8

So in the new season update Tencent games introduced so many cool things. In recent season updates we did not get not much new thing but now the CEO of Tencent games has been changed and the CEO brings so many pretty cool things. 

The new avatars

Here is the pubg brings lots of new avatars for us there are three avarts all these new avatars looks very nice following are new avatars of season 8 :

New avatars

1. Ocean treasure avatar

New avatar

2. Alan Walker avatar

New avatar

3. Season 8 avatar

The new avatar frames

There is a lots of new avatar frames has come in the new season update here you saw in the images down below :

New avatar frames

1. Ocean treasure frame

New avatar frames

2. Alan Walker frame

New avatar frames

3. Royal pass frame

Reward for royal pass holders

Rewards for royal pass holders

Rewards for royal pass holders

In the new season update pubg introduced a new thing if you buy elite royal pass you get 4,000 uc rewards immediately or if you buy elite plus you  can get 10,000 uc rewards immediately. So it's a cool thing by which we can buy royal and get rewards immediately. 

New weapon

New gun in pubg mobile update

In the upcoming update a new gun has been introduced which  is named pp-19 bizon it's a updated version of ump9. This gun uses 9mm bullets. It was a SMG gun. It's a high damage as compared to ump9. 

100 RP outfits and DP-28 skin 

100 rp outfits

DP-28 new skin

If you complete your 100 rp in season 8 you can get a new outfit which is named as power of the ocean. With this you can get DP-28 skin. This was very cool as compared to season 7 skin. But you cannot get this skin with 100 rp I think it was coming in the tier like diamond or ace. So if you successfully reach to the crown tier you can get a new DP-28 skin ( it's not confirmed). 

Water blaster Scar-L Skin

New scar l skin

Here is the new skin of scar-l has been come into existence. This skin is named as water blaster and it was available on (the lab) option. We upgrade its kill message and much more. The skin looks so much cool. 

 So I hope you understand about the new season update by pubg. Tell me in the comments that you are excited for new season and stay tune with us for latest tech updates. 

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